
AlbaniaTenders provides latest updates on tenders from . The information is collected from various sources like: Purchaser's websites, News papers and other Albania Government Tenders sites.Subscriber can view and download unlimited number of public tenders, published by various agencies of Albania Government in Sector.

Purchase of Diesel Fuel 10 Ppm

ALT Ref No.:  104772748

Deadline:  29 Jul 2024

Purchase Chancellor

ALT Ref No.:  104773401

Deadline:  29 Jul 2024

Repair of Vanes Bridge, Vane Village, Delvine Municipality.

ALT Ref No.:  104769978

Deadline:  15 Aug 2024

Truck Purchase

ALT Ref No.:  104769984

Deadline:  06 Aug 2024


ALT Ref No.:  104769985

Deadline:  06 Aug 2024

Purchase of Spare Parts and Services for the Tools of Society "

ALT Ref No.:  104769958

Deadline:  05 Aug 2024

Rehabilitation with the Aim of Overdrawing the "helshan 2" Diges

ALT Ref No.:  104769963

Deadline:  13 Aug 2024

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